Find meaning in faith and service.

Christian soldier holding a Bible.

Welcome home 🎗️

Pew Pew HQ is a place Christian soldiers can call home regardless of branch, rank, specialty, or character of service.

God didn’t enter human flesh to make everyone healthy, wealthy, and wise. Jesus came to rescue the world's slick sleeves, cherries, and boots because he was one. The good news for grunts is that the messiah was no civilian.

If Jesus is God, then God is a grunt. 🪖

Jesus did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited but humbled himself, taking the form of a [grunt], obedient to the point of death.

You are not alone.

You are not alone.

Christian soldiers are not alone

If you feel out of place in churches, it isn’t just you.

Soldiers and veterans get venerated, vilified, and victimized by Christians with little or no connection with the military service.

But a Christianity without soldiers is a faith without Jesus.

Christianity without soldiers is a faith without Jesus.

“YHWH is a man of war”

Exodus is the story of an unarmed army led to freedom by a Divine Warrior.

His Son is a Military Brat

The Holy Family were Dependents who lived in Israel’s disgraced military district.

“You shall call him [Joshua].”

Jesus’ name is from the Sons of Nun (a commander) and Jehozadak (a high priest).

The Good News is for Grunts

Soldiers were baptized beside Jesus and proved integral to his earthly ministry.

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