Labarum, LLC
Labarum, LLC (EIN 82-3378578) is a sole proprietorship limited liability corporation owned by me, Logan M. Isaac, and registered to do business in the state of Oregon. It serves as the umbrella legal entity for my work as an advocate and consultant. In the future, I’d like it to become a Benefit Corporation; a business model that is mission-driven organization that does not prioritize profit but which can operate with the versatility of a “for-profit” entity. Currently it encompasses four websites, their assets, and all Intellectual Property (”IP”) therein;
LoganMI.com 🎗️ Learn to Love Your Military Neighbor
HospStMartin.org 🙏 martial-monastic community
PewPewHQ.com 🪖 Find Meaning in Faith and Service
GIJustice.com ✊ Recognize Human Dignity for Military Families
Martinalia, my Substack, is the best starting point to see the different pieces all in one place: Martinalia = HospStMartin (and martinalia), Militaria = PewPewHQ, Civiliana = LoganMI, and Americana = GIJustice.