Miracles of St. Demetrius

*This is a continuation of David Woods’ translation of BHL 2122, the Passion of Saint Demetrius, for which he provides an introduction.


Miracle 1

A certain Marianus, one of the senators, was ordered by the emperors to rule the tribes who were in Illyricum in the manner of the prefects. He, when he came to Thessalonica, managed the government of the prefecture in a pious fashion, and was pleasing to both God and man. Then the devil, envying his wealth, sought him out to test him, just like Job. And first of all he began to test him by means of the seven vices. But the other, sustained by the grace of God, overcame all his machinations. And when the devil did not succeed in this way, he deprived that man of all his worldly wealth; and he was not able to conquer him in this way either, since there was help from above with him. Finally, therefore, the devil, with the permission of God, struck him down with such a serious illness that he had no power over any of his limbs, except his tongue alone, concerning which he used constantly praise God. And when he had suffered this illness with patience for a long time, the devil came to the city in the guise of a man, carrying a certain document in his hands, and he said to one of his servants, "If your lord will carry this about himself, he will be freed from his illness." The latter entered before his lord and said to him, "So listen to me, and you will be cured. There is an unknown man in the city with a certain document who says that if you are willing to carry it about yourself, [col. 718] you will be freed from your illness." But he said, "What is written on it ?" "I do not know", the servant says, "but he [the stranger] says that it is the names of the gods and the angels." Marianus said, "God, without whose nod nothing happens, can restore me to health without a written document; let him have what is his; let God's will be done concerning me." When he had said these things, he was quickly seized by sleep because of his pain and sorrow. When he had fallen asleep, blessed Demetrius appeared to him, saying, "Rise and order your servants to carry you to the shrine of Demetrius; for there, with the help of God, you will receive a cure." And when he woke up and asked those standing around for the shrine of the martyr Demetrius, someone said, "There is a very small shrine near the stadium where they say that Demetrius lies, he who was killed by means of lances a long time ago at the order of the emperor Maximianus." Then he said, "Bring me there, since I have been told in a dream that I can receive a cure there." Then his servants carried their lord where they had been ordered; and he ordered them to place him only on the floor. And when he was lying [there], he was seized by sudden sleep; and behold, blessed Demetrius appeared to him again, saying, "You can be cured by me, but I am afraid lest after your healing you may perhaps entangle yourself in the cures of this world." But Marianus [said], "You know, lord, that I have never done this, and that I do not wish to do this [now]." And he [replied], "Christ, who raises up those cast down, cures you." And waking up, Marianus began to report his vision. And when he had got to the place where the martyr said, "Christ, who raises up those cast down, cures you," he stood up cured and, together with all those present there, gave thanks to God who lives and reigns through ages of ages. Amen.

Miracle 2

Similarly, there was a certain prefect of the city of Thessalonica who suffered a discharge of blood and, just like the woman who was cured by touching the fringe of the Lord's clothing, had spent almost all his income on doctors, and had been able to be cured by no-one. So finally, inspired by divine mercy, he said to his servants one day, "Carry me to the shrine of the protector of our city." But replying with fear, they said to him, "To the shrine of which protector do you order us to lead you ?" He said to them, "[To the shrine] of the chief [protector]." They said, "Of which chief [protector] ? Tell us his name, lord." He looked at them and said, "Alas ! Do I recognise him, although I am lying [here] half-dead, while you are ignorant of him, although you are healthy ? Do you not know that this city has many protectors, but one surpasses them all, he who always fights keenly on her behalf, whom not only the city alone has merited to have as its inassailable wall, but the whole region also ? So bring me to his shrine, for he will either take pity on me as I visit, or will certainly raise up my soul when I have died there and, interceding for me at the coming presence of Christ's fearful seat-of-judgement, will save me from eternal punishment." When he had said these things, they realized that he was talking about the saint Demetrius who often bestows cures upon the sick; and they quickly raised him up and carried him there. What language, dearest brothers, can honour this martyr with worthy praises, he who has achieved such great power that he can restore to health in one moment he whom many different doctors had been unable to cure ? For as soon as [the prefect] entered the doors of the church, he merited a cure not only of his body, [col. 719] but also of his soul, through the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns through ages of ages. Amen.

Miracle 3

We have heard a friend of the truth, an important priest without a doubt, report things about the martyr Demetrius which we will try to explain in the following [passages]. It happened, he said, that the magnificent, solid-silver ciborium which had stood in his holy temple was so burned one night that it totally melted. So the most holy bishop tried to recreate the aforementioned ciborium, but he did not recover a full pound of the silver which had melted away for the completion of such a great task. He planned to himself to melt down the silver throne which was in the same venerable temple, and to effect the task in that way. And when he had decided this to himself, and no-one else knew his plan, the martyr of Christ Demetrius appeared in his dreams to a certain priest, a man of excellent lifestyle, Demetrius by name, saying, "Go, tell the bishop of the city: "Do not presume to destroy the throne of my house." When the priest had told this to the bishop, his superior was indeed amazed first of all that his inner-thoughts had been made public; he then regarded the steward of the temple of the venerable martyr with some suspicion, thinking that he had arranged this. And the bishop said to him, "You have never heard this from me, brother." After many days, when he had examined the arguments again and had found no other plan by which the work on the ciborium might be completed, he confirmed himself in his first plan to make the ciborium from the throne. When he had ordered a silversmith to be called in order to instruct him to destroy the throne, someone reported to him, saying, "The priest Demetrius asks to approach to your holiness." When he had entered, [the priest] said to him, "The martyr Demetrius who appeared to me, a sinner, earlier, has appeared to me again in a vision with a somewhat sad appearance, and has ordered me to report these words to your holiness: "For the sake of charity, do not grieve me by the destruction of my throne." But [the bishop] was indignant at the priest when he heard this, since he thought that he was making these things up. He dismissed him from him more severely, and made his intention clear, saying, "You have abundant advice to give when there is less than a pound of silver ! Do not philosophize about the problems of others and pass rash judgement." Then the priest went away confused since the saint had not yet told him what ought to be done, but only, "Do not destroy my throne." But that very night saint Demetrius appeared to the priest Demetrius, and said to him, "Go, tell the archbishop: "Do not worry about my ciborium, since I will restore it myself." The priest fulfilled the martyr's commands, and reported this to his superior. When his superior heard this, he praised God and the holy martyr Demetrius. While they were still talking to each other about these things, behold the doorkeeper came, saying, "Holy superior, the very wealthy Mennas stands at your door wanting to talk to you." He said to him, "Let him come in." The aforementioned Mennas entered and gave him 75 pounds of silver for the assistance of the ciborium. And then came John, the darling of the poor without a doubt, who gave him 40 pounds of silver; and the citizens came and made donations according as they were able in order for the ciborium [col. 720] to be restored. In such a manner was this oft-mentioned work rebuilt by the merits of the holy martyr with the help of Our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, through ages of ages. Amen.

Miracle 4

But we do not believe that that which we heard from the most holy archbishop ought to be omitted here. For he told us about a certain custodian of the temple of the martyr Demetrius, Honesiphorus by name. "When one day I was going to to church of the aforementioned martyr, I found the aforementioned custodian Honesiphorus lying half-dead before the door of the holy martyr. And when, troubled, I wept at the illness of my friend, Honesiphorus came to, saw me crying, and said, "Why are you sad on my account, Lord Eusebius ? If you love me, do not be troubled, but order my tomb to be readied, and toss me alive into it." Disturbed by this, I said to him in my sadness, "What is the reason for this, brother ?" He replied, "Because I roused the holy martyr to anger by my guilt. For the holy martyr appeared to me, a sinner, in my sleep, and addressed me in a sweet voice, "Brother Honesiphorus, that which you do does not please me. The salvation of a soul pleases me more than thousands of pounds of gold. Do you not realise that the longer the candle which is offered up for sins blazes, the longer it continues [to move] the saints to intercede for sinners ? So allow the greater and smaller candles to blaze away, for it is altogether fitting for my house gleam with candles." But wretched me when I awoke, I thought that I had seen a phantom, and said to myself, "The saint does not appear to sinners." Twice, indeed, and three times did I receive the same warnings in my dreams, and I wished to heed these things, and desired to obverse [them] right up to the end [tonight]. On this very night, indeed, a certain devout man came to the church bringing [some] big candles. After he had prayed, he left the church. I decided to put his candles out, forgetting about the martyr's decree. And when I began to move in order to exstinguish the candles, saint Demetrius spoke to me, shouting out from his silver chamber in a loud and terrible voice, "O greedy man !", and again, "O greedy man !" In great misery, indeed, and extremely terrified, do I lie almost dead [here] where you found me, having been cast down upon the ground and thrown out the doors of the monastery." Our father the archbishop often told us these things. And so we ought to obey the commands given to us by the saints with divine authority. May their kindness always protect us and make us persevere in the instructions of Christ, Amen.

Miracle 5

It befell the inhabitants of the city of Thessalonica, evidently on account of their sins, that a barbarian tribe plundered their land, burned their houses, laid waste their vines, and drove their sons and daughters, horses and asses, sheep and cows, off into captivity; they destroyed the corn and vine and oil in order to lay siege to the city. A great famine followed [this] persecution throughout the whole of that region. Therefore, the leading men of the city sent ambassasdors to the emperor in order that he might free the city from siege by the barbarians and from the impending famine. Meanwhile, the most glorious martyr Demetrius appeared, just as he is depicted in paintings, on part of the island of Chios to a certain shipmaster by the name of Stephen who was bringing a load of 200 [col. 721] modii of corn to the royal city, and said to him, "Hear me, and sail swiftly to Thessalonica." He, although he had been almost driven out of his mind as it were by the vision of the martyr and was scarcely able to speak, said, "Lord, we have heard that it is about to be captured by the barbarians." The saint replied, "Sail there, then, and tell the ships you meet that Thessalonica has been saved by the mercy of God." When he had said these things, the saint began to precede Stephanus, walking upon the sea. And Stephanus sailed to Thessalonica and reported his vision of the martyr to whomsoever he met. And he outstripped the ambassadors whom the citizens had sent to the emperor, together with many merchants, and turned the city's grief into joy by telling how the martyr had appeared to him. For terrified by divinely inspired fear, the enemy had left off their siege shortly beforehand.

Miracle 6

You all know the famine which occurred a short while ago not only in this city of Thessalonica, but almost everywhere else also, to such an extent that scarcity of not only corn but of other things even seized the queen of cities herself also. Therefore, since the city was being crushed by the affliction of such a great famine, that holy marryr Demetrius, at the instruction of God, sent to them ships from many and different regions filled with various produce, fresh and dry, and with every goodness of human food, so that their desperation for these necessities was immediately brought to an end, just as you have already heard. There was a certain man who had been posted by his lord on the island of Chios in order to buy the corn which the ships were bringing there. Now when he did not find any ships at all, and was seized with great sorrow, he heard a voice saying to him, "Why are you troubled ? Know that Demetrius paid [them] all [their] deposits earlier in order to send them to Thessalonica." Rising, he went to the Church of Ss. Victor and Isidore wanting to learn from the countryfolk who this Demetrius was. And when he asked this question, and could get no answer, he assumed that some man by the name of Demetrius was going to be sent by the prefect of the city of Thessalonica. He immediately sent a letter to his lord reporting that the corn was being bought by Demetrius. [His] lord reported these same things to the emperor who, when he had investigated the matter, discovered that no-one was going to be sent by the prefect of Thessalonica, and that the [prefect] did not even have a man by the name of Demetrius. Both the emperor and people realised that none other than the martyr Demetrius had appeared to the aforementioned man. And all who heard glorified God who had freed the city of Thessalonica from the dangers of famine through the merits of his martyr.

Miracle 7

A certain prefect, whose name I need not mention since he remains in eternal disgrace, was in charge of the cities in Illyricum. Swollen with pride, he summoned those who were in charge of the city of Thessalonica and demanded that they perform a certain public-work. They fell on their knees before him and declared that they were unable to obey his commands. But he replied that they were lying. They then said to him, "If you do not believe us, we will swear before the tomb of Saint Demetrius that we cannot fulfil this [command]. But he burst forth in blasphemy against the martyr, [col. 722] ridiculing his fellow citizens on account of the glorious martyr. They did not tolerate the blasphemy, but closed their ears and left. After two days the prefect's body was seized right from sole to head by such a serious illness that the doctors even could not identify his condition; he remained in this condition for eight months. In the eighth month, indeed, the wretched man reached such a state of misery that he lost the power of his lower body with the result that he could see all his limbs, but could not move them. Wondrous is God's power which works such things through his servants !

Miracle 8

Eusebius, the archbishop of the city of Thessalonica, had a vision which I wish to relate to you. Before the barbarian hordes began to attack the city of Thessalonica, the aforementioned priest saw himself, in a dream, sitting in the city theatre along with a great crowd of servants. And when he was wondering why he was seated in such a lewd place, and was rising in his desire to leave, he saw a tragic actor standing on that part of the stage where the stories are recited, and who said to him, "Wait, since I must lament you and your daughter." He said to him, "Do not bother, since I do not have a daughter, nor do I deserve lamentation." But the other said, "You do indeed have a daughter, and a mother of many children; and you must lament her." Then the chief realised that he was referring to the city as his daughter, and said, "I adjure you, by God, to lament neither me nor her." And when he expressed his wish for a third time to engage upon a lamentation, and was not allowed [to do so] by the bishop, [the bishop] woke from his sleep and realised that the tragedy did not have a good meaning. Indeed, after a few days had intervened, an innumerable horde of barbarians surrounded Thessalonica and the bishop realised that the vision which he had seen was true. When the barbarian tribe was devastating the district of Thessalonica, as we have seen above, the inhabitants of the neighbouring disticts were stricken with famine on account of their attacks. Finally, indeed, when almost as many inhabitants had died as much as a result of famine as a result of fighting, the barbarians devised a plan and suddenly attacked the city thinking that it was devoid of defenders, because the situation was so, and had been desolated by famine. For we were few, and they did indeed exceed the number of locusts. Then, when they had constructed siege-ramparts, iron battering-rams, catapults, and great tortoise-like protective covers, they covered eveything with the hides of oxen and camels in case they should be destroyed by fire hurled down by the citizens. Moreover, they pressed so heavily upon the citizens that no-one expected to survive alive. They besieged the city for a long time, until they exhausted all their supplies, both for beast and man. Having decided to attack the city altogether on the morning of the following day, they surrounded it on every side with their machines of war. And now when the city was about to be captured, they saw a crowd of armed men, like a swarm of wasps, exiting it, whom a certain red-haired youth, most beautiful to behold, led, bearing the sign of the cross in his hands. A white horse bore him. These charged forward and attacked them. Terror-stricken, the [barbarians] left the city and sought the protection of flight. However, a few, who were not able to flee, remained there half-dead. When these had been seized by the citizens, they were asked by them [col. 723] why so great a multitude was fleeing without any reason. The barbarians then [replied], "The crowd of men whom you hid, together with their most brave commander, put our companies to flight." But [the citizens] realised that the commander was the martyr Demetrius who had put the enemy to flight together with an army of angels. Then when they had collected the spoils of the enemy, they flocked together to the church of blessed Demetrius and gave great thanks to God Who had freed the city from their enemies as a result of his intercession. When several men were talking about the flight of the barbarians, one of our brothers rose and said to them, "When one night this week, after the morning prayers, I was standing in the temple of saint Demetrius the martyr and praying before his holy shrine, a great tiredness came over me so that I was neither entirely asleep nor was I wholly awake. And behold, two men appeared, terrible to behold, and said to the guardian of the temple, "Where is the lord of this temple ?" He replied, "He remains in that ciborium." They [said], "Go, tell him that we have been sent to him." He went, and they followed him. And he called him, saying, "Saint Demetrius, two soldiers are present who have been sent to you by their lord." And the most holy martyr of Christ immediately appeared from within, and stood next to the doors, and was also apparent to unworthy me. I fell on my face since I could not bear to look upon his angelic countenance. For his appearance was not like his appearance as depicted in the ancient paintings, but his face emitted rays of light just like the sun. Although I was lying facedown, nevertheles I listened intently to what they were saying to one another. And I heard that the men greeted the saint respectfully. He said to them, "The grace of God be with you. Why have you been sent to me ?" The men said, "Our lord sent us to your holiness to tell you this: "Hurry out and come to me, since your city is being surrendered to its enemies." When I had heard this, stricken by sorrow at his words, I rose upon my hands, and looking up a little, saw the the face of the most pious martyr greatly saddened. And when a moment had passed, I saw tears running down his cheeks from his eyes. Then the guardian of the temple said to the two youths whom he had led in, "Why have you afflicted my lord ? If I had known your intention beforehand, I would not have brought you to him." Then God's saint said to his attendant, "These are my servants, and they have told me what they had been ordered [to tell me]." The holy martyr then said in a loud voice, "O Lord Jesus Christ, you said: "I do not desire the death of a sinner, but that he should be converted and live", and again, "The angels of God rejoice at the repentance of one sinner." And although you are the Lord of all the angels, you gave up your life for the redemption of sinful men. You, Lord, entrusted that city and its citizens to me, that I might live there forever with them and guard them. So how can I abandon them in such great need ? or with what face will I observe the destruction of my fatherland ? What life will I have when my citizens have been destroyed ? Just as I was with them in spirit when they were prospering, so I will not desert them when they are in danger. Whatever they deserve to suffer, I better deserve to suffer with them. But You, Almighty and [col. 724] Merciful God, You who heard Jonah in the whale's stomach, and the three boys in the blazing fire of a furnace, and Susanna in the midst of a false charge, hear Your people and free them from destruction by barbarians." And thereupon a voice was heard sent by the Lord, "Let it be done to them according to your will." And with great joy, he immediately paid his respects to the two youths who had been sent to him, and thanked God that He had heard him. Know without doubt that you have received life and victory through this saint, with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns through ages of ages. Amen.

Miracle 9

Among the other miracles I wish to insert this one also, a miracle which the holy martyr Demetrius worked in our time. There was a certain bishop from the country of the Africans, Cyprian by name, who cared for the true priesthood and led a life most deserving of God. He arranged to journey to the queen of cities, Byzantium, on a pressing matter of necessity. And when they had sailed for many days and had already drawn near to the regions of Greece, he was captured by the most fierce Slavs together with all his [companions]. When they had divided these captives among themselves, the [Slavs] enslaved the aforementioned bishop together with his [companions]. When these things had been done in this way, they returned to their native places, and each barbarian placed the burden of slavery upon his captive according as he wished. Bishop Cyprian managed his lord's stores and distributed his foodstuffs wisely and with foresight, and in praiseworthy fashion took comfort in prayers, vigils, and fasts. And he said to the Lord, "Although I am without any merit, you appointed me a shepherd of your flock; how have I now been brought to such a state that I have been demoted from such rank to the service of the barbarians ? But I call to mind that this has happened to me on account of my sins, and that it is for this reason that I am held ensnared by this affliction. Who will guide my sheep now that their shepherd has been captured by barbarian animals ?" While he was weeping about these and similar things, a beautiful young man, decorous in form, with a military bearing and appearance, said to him, "If you want to be freed from the slavery in which you are held and to be rescued from the barbarians, rise and follow me. Watch yourself, while we are walking, lest you say anything at all to me; but let us march each striving for quiet and praying to God in our minds." Then the bishop replied to him, "Who are you and from where have you come here ?" The other said to him, "I am called Demetrius, and I am a soldier of the great emperor. My house stands in the middle of the city of Thessalonica, to which I will lead you without harm if you follow me." Rising, therefore, he followed him, and they both proceeded in silence. They marched during the night and rested during the day. Furthermore, Demerius used leave the bishop in the morning and return to him again as the evening drew near, bringing with him fruit from various trees, together with the berries of shrubs, with which he fed his companion, and when they had taken their food, they used begin their journey. After eight days, when they had drawn near the walls of the city already mentioned, Demetrius set Cyprian in front of the gates of the city and [col. 725] disappeared. When the bishop looked for his faithful guide and good companion and did not find him, he entered the city. He made enquiries of those he met and asked them where was the house of Demetrius the soldier. And when they replied that there were many Demetrii in the city who discharged military office, he remarked, saying, "The house of the one I am looking for is in the middle of the city." Therefore, since they were are all at a loss in this matter, the man being sought was found nowhere. However, the inhabitants of the city led the bishop to the church of the martyr. When he entered, he immediately surrendered himself to prayer, and gave thanks and praise to God the Saviour; and as he raised his hands and eyes in prayer, he saw an image of the martyr Demetrius in the clothing of his companion and guide. Then, in the presence of all, he cried out, declaring that, without a doubt, it was Demetrius himself who had guided and saved him, and that this was the house which the martyr himself had mentioned to him as he appeared to him in the beginning. Then the presence of [this] man was reported to the bishop of the city, and the things which had happened to him were noted down. He immediately welcomed his fellow minister, took him into his house, and treated him kindly. But [Cyprian] could not bear to be separated from the church of the holy martyr even for a moment, and spent the whole time for which he remained in the city in this same church. When he had spent the winter there waiting for the time for sailing, and the time arrived there, he boarded a ship taking with him an image of the martyr Demetrius, and successfully sailed to the city of Constantinople. When he had suitably disposed of his business, with the help of the most victorious martyr Demetrius he returned from there to his country and flock, promising the martyr great honour on account of what had happened. Moreover, he wanted to build a ciborium and ambo similar to that which he had seen [at Thessalonica], with marble columns, in honour of the martyr saint Demetrius. He was very worried next because he totally ignorant of the equipment needed for these things and how to do this. Finally, one night when the bishop was exhausted by the great toing-and-froing of his thoughts, tiredness came over him, and he immediately fell asleeep. And behold, there stood before him the holy martyr Demetrius, saying to him, "Why are you sad, brother ? Did you not hear the Lord Jesus saying to his disciples, "Amen I say to you, if anyone tells this mountain, "Rise and throw yourself into the sea", and does not hesitate at heart, but believes that whatever he says will happen, it will happen for him" ? [col. 726] Where is your faith ? O man, do not be troubled over the columns or the ambo, since a ship will put in from the sea today carrying all the things which you seem to need for the preparation of the temple. For there is a bishop in the region of Gaul, in the city of Marseilles, who cares for the people entrusted to him and is building a temple in honour of the holy martyr Victor, my comrade or brother, and desires to build an ambo and ciborium in it just as in your church. For this reason, he sent a ship with his servants to Mt. Porphyry in order to buy enough porphyry columns and slabs to complete the work in honour of the holy martyr Victor. But the holy martyr has now intervened and the aforementioned bishop has now found [some] wonderfully coloured porphyry columns and slabs which have lain on the ground for a long time just outside his city. The martyr of Christ is sending us the ship with the porphyry columns and slabs bought by his representatives in order for you to make from them the work which you desire to make for me." Rising at last from his bed, the [bishop] reported his vision to his clerics, and sent them to the sea-harbour on this account. These, when they had found the ship and talked to its captain, asked what price they would take for the marble columns and sheets in order to fulfil the bishop's wish. But the ship's captain and those with him were unwilling [to sell] and completely denied that they had any of the things being sought. The clerics who had been sent by their bishop reported these things and left him sad. Frustrated in his plans, he proceeded to grieve. And the holy martyr Demetrius appeared to him in a vision, saying, "Go yourself to the aforementioned ship's captain and tell him, "Do not lie; for you have in your ship an ambo which is tightly packed in and other marble pieces which have been hidden away. Do not hesitate to give me these because of the bishop who sent you to get them. For my brother in the city of Marseilles has discovered how to finish the work on his own oratory." And when the bishop had gone off and said these things to the captain, and told him his marvellous visions, he persuaded him to accept from him the price offered for the marbles. And so it happened. Hence the bishop dedicated the temple which he built in honour of the holy martyr Demetrius, with an ambo and a ciborium, in praise of Christ and for the glory of the oft-mentioned martyr. If any sick person goes to this temple in prayer, and if he is annointed with oil from his lamp, he will be cured there as a result of his [the martyr's] prayers and through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns through ages of ages. Amen.


Passion of Ss. Fidelis, Exantus, and Carpophorus


Passion of St. Demetrius